HADES Guitarist Says PETER STEELE Was A 'Musical Genius'
April 15, 2010HADES/NON-FICTION guitarist Dan Lorenzo has released the following statement to BLABBERMOUTH.NET:
"HADES played with CARNIVORE a couple of times and NON-FICTION played with TYPE O [NEGATIVE] a bunch. I only got to know Pete [Steele] a bit back then. Years later I interviewed him for Steppin' Out magazine and after I mailed him the issue, Pete started calling me pretty regularly. First he called to thank me for 'making him sound intelligent.' We started speaking more often and he even expressed some interest in putting some dance beats to some acoustic songs Alan [Tecchio, HADES/NON-FICTION singer] and I had written.
"For the most part I prefer songs under four minutes long, but TYPE O NEGATIVE were an exception.
"All of us band guys think we write great songs, but when I listen to TYPE O, I know that they, and Pete in particular, wrote a bunch of songs that were on another level from the rest of us mortals musically.
"I don't use the words 'musical genius' together often, but in Pete's case it fits. And it's true.
"Today is a very sad day for me.
"Rest in peace, big guy."